Women's Institute

Harlaston Women’s Institute

President: Claire Butterfield

Secretary: Christine Boston

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:15pm and visitors are always welcome.  Meetings usually take place in Harlaston Village Hall

On Monday 11th March our meeting will be our Annual Meeting when the President and committee are appointed and the programme for the year ahead discussed. We have various speakers booked and ideas for visitors and outings suggested. 

A Bring and Share supper will be served and a welcome goes out for anyone to join us in the Village Hall at 7.15 pm.

Our last meeting - The history of Gaytons family baking business was very interesting. From starting in a small coke-fired place to a small village to still being very popular today in spite of opposition from big supermarkets - proof that the products are very good.

All the goodies Mrs Gayton brought with her were included in the raffle so members went home with bread, cobs, cakes and cream horns.

May is resolution month and the W.I. never shies away from taking part in discussions regarding problems affecting everybody. Lynda will represent us at the Albert Hall in London on June 5th and the resolution this year is the chronic shortage of dentists all over the country, resulting in many health issues.

Contact Claire 383853 if you would like to join us.                                                                                                                                         

Find out about Harlaston W.I.'s 60th birthday celebrations here

Harlaston WI — 20-Oct-2010 19:36:32

Harlaston WI 12th October 2015 — 02-Sep-2010 21:55:05

Harlaston WI Meeting (held on 9th March 2010) — 05-Apr-2010 11:15:22

Harlaston WI - Village Voice (28 February 2010) — 28-Feb-2010 22:36:28