Its Official - Harlaston's the best.

Residents who work hard to keep their villages 'spick and span' have won praise from organisers of a best kept village competition.

Harlaston were overall winners of the Lichfield Mercury/ Tamworth Herald trophy in the Lichfield and Cannock Chase section of the Community Council of Staffordshire's Best Kept Village Competition.

But Andrew Halden, the chief executive for the council, paid tribute to everyone who took part in the contest throughout the Lichfield and Cannock Chase districts.

"It is not just about winning and it was good to see so many villages entering," he said. "Competition was very keen and it was a good event all round. One of the aims is to ensure villages look spin and span all year round - not just in the summer months."


Mr Halden added: "We believe the competition acts as a focus to bring people together. Hopefully many of those who play an active role are also involved in village life, working together for the good of their community." 

Villages taking part had to undergo visits from two separate judging teams in the early rounds of the competition, followed by a third assessment from another pannel in the final stage.

Lack of litter, tidiness and the general appearance of gardens and hedgerows are all important when it comes to judging, with a greater emphasis on clean equipment," explained Mr Halden.

Provision of well-maintained recycling facilities has also come to the forefront as people become more aware of the need for sustainability, he added.

The awards were presented at a packed evening at Weston Village Hall on Monday night.

Herald News Editor Natalie Missenden handed out the certificates to the winners in the Lichfield and Cannock Chase Section - which is sponsored by the Tamworth Herald and its sister paper, the Lichfield Mercury.

In addition to winning the overall trophy - for the fourth year - Harlaston was also first in the small village section of the contest, Wiggington was second and Haunton was third.

Winners in the large village class were Kings Bromley, with Longdon/ Longdon Green in second place and Whittington in third.

Hamstall Ridware and Elmhurst were highly commended.