Bus Timetable & Other Transport

page last updated 4/2/2024

Bus Service  

For the latest timetables between Tamworth and Clifton Campville (Route 84) google 


Community Transport Services 

Tamworth Community Transport Services is a registered Charity based at 1 King Street, Tamworth B79 7DB. 

This service is designed to provide local public transport for people who find the use of buses or trains difficult when attending hospital, doctor or dentist appointments. The needs of the elderly and disabled are given special attention provided they can access private cars used by the volunteers. 

Community transport services are available between 9 a.m and 3.30 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays each week and at least one weeks notice is required to book transport. Notice of less than one week will be reliant upon drivers being available. Please note that fares are charged per journey from the pick up point to the destination and return. 

Minibus hire is also available to transport groups to luncheon clubs, libraries, shopping trips etc. Community Transport Services vehicles are also available to community-based groups on a private hire basis. 

 If anyone is interested in booking either a car or mini-bus please contact them directly:

📞 01827 66632

📧 tamcontrans@gmail.com

💻  https://www.supportstaffordshire.org.uk/organisation-directory/tamworth-community-transport-services