Rotary Club's goodwill extends to barren Africa

One of the driest and most barren regions of Africa has received help thanks to Tamworth Anker Rotary Club.

The club presented a cheque for £250 to SOS Sahel who undertake relief work in the region of sub-Saharan Africa that straddles Mali, Niger, The Sudan and northern Ethiopia.

Their donation to SOS Sahel is part of the clubs programme of helping third world countries following on from last year’s aid to a hospital in India.

Spokesperson for Tamworth Anger Rotary Club John Young said: “This region of Africa is in need of support and we are very pleased we are able to donate this money.”

Caption Tamworth Anker Rotary President Dave King presenting a cheque to Dr Yannimani, SOS Sahel fund manager Lizzie Ellis and co-ordinator Robin Morrison.