Winnie Wallis

Funeral - St. Matthew's Church was packed for the funeral of Winnie Wallis, who was 85. As well as her family, everyone who knew her in the village mourned her passing.

Last October she and her husband Percy celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary in the Village Hall with their friends and relatives.

The Rev. H. Perrins, who was rector of Harlaston from 1969 - 1977, took the funeral service and spoke of her Christian life and work in the church. During the service three of Winnie's favourite hymns were sung. Tea and refreshments were served in the church after interment in the churchyard.

Parish Magazine 1994

August 19th. WINNIFRED WALLIS, Churchside aged 85 years.

There is an air of sadness in the village at the moment. We have lost a dearly loved, gentle, kind hearted lady who devoted her life to helping others.

In all the years Winnie lived in the village she was a faithful member of the Church congregation, having held the office of churchwarden, sung in the choir and was in the forefront of fundraising. The Mothers Union and Women's Institute also benefitted from her help and support. She suffered great pain for many years but never complained and was always cheerful. 

Our sincere sympathy goes to Percy, Roy, Eileen and family.

'Grant her eternal rest, O Lord'

Parish Magazine 1994

On the peaceful passing of a much loved, gentle lady, Percy, Roy, Eileen and family would like to thank Mary and Evan as Churchwardens for their tremendous support and efficiency in organising the church service, Mr Perrins for conducting a lovely, warm service, Bel and Chris for the lovely floral dislays in church, the ladies who provided refreshments after the service and the other people involved in making a sad occasion easier for us.

Many thanks for all the cards and letters of sympathy and the wonderful donations which amounted to £1000 which will be split between the church and Measham Medical Unit who were very good to my mother.

Thank you for all the support you have given Mother in the past. She was a good Christian lady.