Ride and Stride

Ride and Stride is the sponsored event in aid of the Staffordshire Historic Churches Trust.

On the second Saturday of September every year, all over England, cyclists and walkers (and drivers) are sponsored to visit churches; and churches open between 10am and 6pm to receive them. Half the money raised is returned to your church to use how you wish; the other half is given in grants to churches of all denominations towards the cost of repairs and maintenance. Ride and Stride is one of the principal source of income for SHCT.

Since 1984 keen cyclists have been gearing up and peddling around Staffordshire churches to raise money for St Matthew’s Church Harlaston


Keith and David cycle over 40 miles in temperatures averaging over 30 degrees centigrade!


Joanne, Adam and Alistair represent St Matthews

Parish Magazine 2020

Harlaston was well represented for the annual cycle ride with a team of four and a team of three taking up the challenge. 

The Riches family- Alistair, Joanne and Adamset off to Haunton and Clifton with Alistair then peeling off to continue 'here, there and everywhere' covering an impressive 38 miles.

Meanwhile 'the team of four' - Mick Brown, David Jackson, Keith and Liz Ridgway cycled to all the Mease Vallet churches taking in Wiggington en route and linking up at Chilcote after Mick and David had squeezed in a few extra churches, getting Seckington, Newton Regis and No-Mans Heath under their belts. From Chilcote we made our way through Netherseale to Grangewoodfor a welcome cuppa and a bite to eat before making our way back via Lullington and Edingale to the 'finish line' at Harlaston. A great day was had by all enjoying the glorious weather and taking in the beautiful countryside surrounding the villages, whilst raising funds for St. Matthew's - much needed of course this year.

A mention and thank you must go to a house in Haunton just up from the church who had a big banner and offered refreshments to participants which was much appreciated with the churches being closed this year. *

*Editors note. 2020 saw Covid restricions limiting the number of people who could meet, encouraging out door meetings rather than indoors, encouraging social distancing where possible. This meant that meeting inside churches may have been a risk, hence the ride was outside only.


Regulars Keith, David and Alistair are ready for off!

2018. We had a rainy start – we met up at Elford church to commence the ride together. 

Taking shelter

Signing in

Last chance for a photo

Ready for the off!

2018 Arriving at Barton under Needwood

Taken from the Parish Magazine 2018

Our fabulous four- Mick Brown, David Jackson, Keith and Liz Ridgway- have done wonders again, gallantly taking up the challenge of participating in the Cycle Ride to help raise funds for St. Matthew's and for the Historic Churches Trust. Congratulations and thank you for all your efforts. Mixed weather didn't deter spirits and our intrepid cyclists covered 35 miles, visiting 16 churches. A great day was had by all.

Thanks also to Amanda, Wendy, Margaret and John for help on the refreshment rota. We had 15 visitors during the day.


Clifford 'Mick' Brown and David Jackson bravely set off around the churches.

From the Parish Magazine. 2017

Congratulations and thank you to Mick Brown and David Jackson who represented St. Matthew's in the annual Ride & Stride event, visiting many churches during the day, riding through sunshine and heavy showers. They would also like to thank everyone who sponsored them. They covered 36 miles in total and visited 11 churches.

We welcomed 14 visitors who enjoyed the tea, coffee and cakes supplied by the helpers on duty during the day. Thanks to them as well.


Liz and Keith Ridgway meet up with Mick and Alistor at Dunstall.

 "I think it rained most of the day.  We bumped into Mick and Alastair at Dunstall Church so that lifted our spirits!"

The lengths you will go to for sponsorship!

Keith climbing over the railings back onto the towpath at Whynor.  He took a short cut to sign us in! 

Sponsored Cycle- Ride and Stride Day Parish Magazine 2016

In spite of a very wet and miserable morning, our four wonderful volunteers set off on Saturday September 10th and between them travelled 77 miles and visited 30 churches. To Liz, Keith, Mick and Alistair we say a huge THANK YOU for all your effort and support for our church. 

Many thanks to everyone who helped with the serving of refreshments to the 21 visitors who called into St Matthew's during the day.


Liz and Keith bravely prepare to cycle for Harlaston

The lovely ladies at 

Coton in the Elms

Arriving at Barton

Near Yoxall

Starting to hurt in Lullington!

Wobbling home!

Ready for a well earned rest!

A large group of cyclists represented Harlaston.

A very wet 2004

Graham arrives at Lullington Church

Dawn heads up the Grove Family

Dawn, Peter, Paul, Sam, Amy, Rob, Kate, Graham, Julie, Caroline and David are completely drenched by the time they reach the end of Manor Lane - let alone when they get to Lullington. 


One of the first groups to take part in ride and stride for St Matthews L-R: Caroline Grove, Mary Tiso, Isabel Grove, Sheila Lane with Chris King behind, Jenny Brown, John and Paulene Whitehouse.